While the inhabitants of Durla-One, although not trusted by other races throughout their universe due to their unusual appearances, were overall good... their dopplegangers on Durla-Two were not. As conquerors, they used their shape-shifting abilities for selfish purposes, such as when they invaded 30th Century Earth-Two. As mentioned by writer Paul Levitz in Adventure Comics #296, the initially green skinned chameleon race who infiltrated the Legion was an altered form of the Durlans, only these were prone towards evil. And they looked similar to the Chameleon invaders who the Justice Society of America faced in the future.
During that same period on Earth-One, it was Chameleon Boy aka Reep Daggle who protected that world alongside his allies on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Reep had a counterpart in Earth-Two's Defender, who was one of the Chameleon infiltrators into human society, yet turned towards helping humanity instead. On one occasion he fought alongside Hawkman, whom Reep himself had also met. Reep had to contend with his arch-rival Chameleon Chief of the Legion of Super-Villains, who like that rogue's counterpart Chogpu the Chameleon Chief intending on subjecting humanity to his and his people's rule. Another Durlan who turned human and was the founder of the Legion of Super-Heroes on Earth-One was businessman R.J. Brandt whose counterpart businessman C.F. Tanner was a faithful Durlan spy on Earth-Two.
During that same period on Earth-One, it was Chameleon Boy aka Reep Daggle who protected that world alongside his allies on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Reep had a counterpart in Earth-Two's Defender, who was one of the Chameleon infiltrators into human society, yet turned towards helping humanity instead. On one occasion he fought alongside Hawkman, whom Reep himself had also met. Reep had to contend with his arch-rival Chameleon Chief of the Legion of Super-Villains, who like that rogue's counterpart Chogpu the Chameleon Chief intending on subjecting humanity to his and his people's rule. Another Durlan who turned human and was the founder of the Legion of Super-Heroes on Earth-One was businessman R.J. Brandt whose counterpart businessman C.F. Tanner was a faithful Durlan spy on Earth-Two.
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