Lighting is an atmospheric discharge of electricity, a bolt of lightning can travel at speeds of 130,000 mph and capable of generating a temperature approaching 30,000 °C (54,000 °F). Such is the power controlled by several thunderous thugs, such as Whirlicane / Lightning of Earth-One and Lightning Master of Earth-Two, each having faced the Supermen early in their careers.
Emilio Storme was a scientis with a dangerous obsession towards Superman of Earth-One. He first adopted the alter ego of Whirlicane using tornado styled equipment to allow him to spin at intense velocities, creating various chaotic climatic events which he used in his criminal career as a masked malcontent. Despite the tremendous power at his command, Whirlicane was swiftly defeated and captured by Superman.
Shortly after this, Storme was paroled and released into the custody of S.T.A.R. Laboratories, although this time you used the Labs’ resources to developed an android with two physical and psychological settings, as Lightning and Thunder. During this second encounter with Superman, Storme's android self destructed when it was revealed the true nature of being, which seemingly also destroying his master Emilio himself.
Lightning Master’s true identity was unknown. This hooded scientist in the Metropolis of Earth-Two created a lightning generator and portable lightning gun, which he used to blackmail the city until his schemes were undone by Superman.
However, scant weeks later, Lightning Master returned, this time financed as an assassin by the mastermind Ian Karkull, who sought to have his supervillain servants slay future United States Presidents. Thankfully, the Justice Society was tipped off to this sinister scheme, and sent its members to protect these potential victims while capturing their predators. Superman with the aid of Johnny Thunder and his inhuman servant Thunderbolt defeated Lightning Master.
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