Barney Sands was a young boy, and an aspiring artist who loved comic books. Living next door to Barry and Iris Allen, little did he know that his city Central City's protector...the Flash...was actually Barry in disguise! One day, while devising the Master Villain in his mind, a sentient alien visiting Earth-One decided to replicate this fictional fiend. Now the Flash had to face an opponent who seemed to be unbeatable.

Alphonse Peckabit was an already established mystery writer who through a combination of environmental circumstances and his own powerful thought-waves solidified not one, not two, but four villains from his imagination! Initially he created Pegleg the Pirate, followed by Strongman and Hot Stuff. Seeing the potential for untold riches and power, Peckabit sent the trio of terror on a crime spree of Earth-Two's Keystone City. At that point, they drew out the attention of the Flash aka Jay Garrick and Joan Williams.

While the trio were unaware of Flash's dual identity, Master Villain was and repeatedly taunted Barry Allen via phone calls and even appearing in his home. Only thanks to the quick thinking of Flash avoiding being cut to ribbons from broken glass, and having a fiery flying fist following the the Flash splatter upon the noggin of Clark (Superman) Kent as the fleet footed hero vibrated through his JLA ally, was he able to return for another bout. Yet how could Flash defeat this rogue? By creating a master hero that would master the Villain.
As for the terrible triad plaguing Earth-Two, Flash repeatedly dealt them each decisive blows. Still, their creator had a trump card...create a villain even faster than the Flash himself!
As for Peckabit, his cosmic twin of a Earth-One was Beau Baer who was also a professional writer, and was the mind controlled superhero known as Ringmaster, created to be a rival of the Flash by his adversary Golden Glider. Eventually, Baer would be freed of her influence and return to his normal life, while Alphonse kept his rivalry with his Flash going. When Peckabit penned a new antagonist in the form of Zipper, a crook that runs ten times as fast as the Flash, he felt he had an invincible henchman that would aid his criminal cause and allow him to fulfill his evil ends. Zipper's own super-speeding body burned up into synthetic ashes as he didn't have the immunity from friction of his heroic opposite number. As to Zipper's proxy on a parallel planet in the Master Villain, his true alien alter ego left the planet for less conflict elsewhere. Strongman, Pegleg and Hot Stuff went off to perform as traveling singers!
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