Both the Justice League and Justice Society faced criminals known as the Key during their prestigious adventures. Both Keys exhibited superior tactical skills, various gangs of Key-Men or the Turtleneck Gang and assorted thugs, and specially treated chemicals that bent men to their will.
The Earth-One Key was a scientist obsessed with keys, desiring to be the "key-man" of the universe. Using psycho-chemicals, he was able to mentally control others. He used apply this technique first on Snapper Carr, honorary member of the Justice League, and through him the League itself. However, Hawkgirl was able to help defeat the Key and free her husband Hawkman along with his allies. Next, the Key used his chemical concoction to control weapons in the League's trophy room, until Superman defeated him once more.

The Earth-Two Key challenged the Justice Society through his various gangs, manipulating his metahuman foes with the disappearance of various high profile detectives. Towards the end of this caper, the Key apparently losing his life through another means as he jumped off a cable car rather than be caught by his foes.
And yet, another potential clash versus the superheroic team is evident in the picture repeatedly shown over the years, on this occasion with a key mask and specialized weaponry. Although the Society denies this clash ever occurred, there is documentation that it in fact happened.
As to Key of Earth-One, he discovered that his self-administered scientific treatments had caused him terrible physical deformities. Seeking revenge upon his enemies, the Key would attack them three more times, to no avail. Eventually, he had to rely on his one-time enemies to restore his health. After this, he retired from crime, seeking solace since his attempts at greatness had fallen short and led to only pain and grief.
As to Key of Earth-One, he discovered that his self-administered scientific treatments had caused him terrible physical deformities. Seeking revenge upon his enemies, the Key would attack them three more times, to no avail. Eventually, he had to rely on his one-time enemies to restore his health. After this, he retired from crime, seeking solace since his attempts at greatness had fallen short and led to only pain and grief.
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