Sensei was originally a man known as Jacob who sought power for himself, manipulating the League of Assassins to do his bidding. Employing them to increase his financial resources and technological advancements, he found himself opposed by Boston Brand and Batman repeatedly over the years.
Fang Gow was a villain who faced Barry O'Neill of Earth-Two, himself an amateur sleuth in the late 1930's. Fang Gow was a genius scientist who used his mastery of chemistry to continue the conspire to destroy France, which he viewed as an oppressive power. To that end, he employed a vast network of con-conspirators to attack that nation in the late 1930's through the early 1940's. His technique even went so far as to restore his life after a near death experience.
Fang Gow was a villain who faced Barry O'Neill of Earth-Two, himself an amateur sleuth in the late 1930's. Fang Gow was a genius scientist who used his mastery of chemistry to continue the conspire to destroy France, which he viewed as an oppressive power. To that end, he employed a vast network of con-conspirators to attack that nation in the late 1930's through the early 1940's. His technique even went so far as to restore his life after a near death experience.
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