John Stewart of Earth-One and Todd Rice of Earth-Two were the legacies to the legends that were the Green Lanterns of their respective worlds, assuming similarly colorful alter egos while harnessing power over light.
John Stewart was an aspiring engineer who had untapped potential as a superhero. Appointed the backup Green Lantern of Sector 2814 when Jordan's original backup Guy Gardner had been laid up with an injury. Reluctantly, John repeatedly filled in for Hal Jordan using his ring and power battery, even becoming a supporting member of the Justice League. Eventually, he was made the new Lantern when Hal retired, leading to Stewart into accepting the role full-time which he had previously only handled on an occasion basis when Jordan was incapacitated.
It would be during the period just prior to the Crisis on Infinite Earths that John was trained by another Green Lantern from a different space sector. This Lantern in Katma Tui was more than a trainer as she later became his wife.
Todd Rice was one of the twins sired by Alan Scott aka Earth-Two’s sole Green Lantern. Left orphans by their mother Rose Canton whose sinister alter ego of Thorn was attempting to slay the pair, Todd was raised by the Rice family until his young adulthood when his inherited powers from his father’s extended exposure to his power ring were revealed.

While his sister Jennie-Lynn Hayden had powers similar to her father’s, Todd had the inverse abilities of transforming into a shadow. As Obsidian, Todd joined his sister Jade in becoming members of Infinity, Inc. alongside other offspring of the Justice Society of America. Their father now became aware of their existence and began to form a relationship with his children.

Stel was a member of a sentient race of robots who had a career among the Green Lantern Corps concurrent with Hal Jordan’s tenure, until Stel’s demise versus an extra-dimensional threat which this Corps eventually defeated.
His counterpart would one day become known as John Smith, the android creation of displaced T.O. Morrow, who migrated from his native Earth-One and sought to conquer both his old world and his new one by sending a new Red Tornado against Earth-Two's Justice Society, and then their counterparts in the Justice League. However, another migrant from his native universe in the Tornado Tyrant/Champion merged its mind with that of the android, and the heroic Red Tornado rose up in his place.
After some years serving alongside the Justice Society, Red Tornado saved his homeworld from the threat of the Iron Hand, with the result being that he was thrust from his dimension to that of Earth-One. There, Red Tornado joined the Justice League and adopted the alter ego of John Smith, although three times he was destroyed. During the last incident, only the Tornado Tyrant remained following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, forsaking his brush with humanity in order to become an elemental.
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