The silver age Selena uses her new faux-Catwoman to carry on a crime campaign in her absence, while events draw in another foe of the Dark Knight in the form on the Penguin whom Superman captures. Eventually, the real Catwoman lures Superman into a trap wherein he's transformed into a cat, only transformed back by Lana Lang using an ancient device. The golden age Selena has decided to walk down the isle with her former arch-foe to become his wife, and this ceremony draws in another enemy of the Caped Crusader, Two-Face in his Harvey Kent alias. In a more realistic plot, an assassin attempts to elminate Harvey but is subdued by Superman himself. After these events, Lois and Selena become friends as their husband disclose their secret identities. This is in sharp contrast with the conintued emnity of their Earth-One counterparts, as Catwoman and Lois and Lana part as adversaries, and none of these ladies know the alter egos of their men they love.
Earth-Two was definitely a less screwed up, more down-to-Earth place, indeed!
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