Unlike the orbiting satellite bases of their counterparts, Earth-One's Justice League and Earth-712's Squadron Supreme, the mightiest heroes of Earths Two and 616 have their own residences on terra firma. On Earth-616, since the inception of their team, the Avengers have been located in the heart of New York City within the former mansion of Tony "Ironman" Stark.
On Earth-Two, the predominant meeting locale for the Justice Society was within that world's largest metropolis, Gotham City, inside their own brownstone base. Each was more than it seemed, containing several sublevels with various high-tech equipment and specialized vehicles. The brownstone was apparently a joint purchase from millionaire members Wesley "Sandman" Dodds and Carter "Hawkman" Hall, each as scientifically savy as Stark albeit not as financially successful.
That these twin teams centered their historic legacies around urban locations shows that they were more grounded than their peers on parallel planets, and hence more enduring the either the League or the Squadron would, as each of those vessels would ultimately be damaged beyond repair and outlive their usefulness.
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