Amidst the myriad of superhuman organizations of parallel planets Earths One and Two, their lasting legacies are borne out in their histories. Consider, for example, two doomed patrols of each world. On Earth-One, the quartet of Robotman, Negative Man, Elasti-Girl and their bearded benefactor the Chief operated over the course of 62 adventures. During this period, they mainly faced their arch foes the Brotherhood of Evil and other obscure opponents like the Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man. Then they expired in battle.... Well all save Robotman who would be there for a new generation of heroes to take up the manntle... For another 12 cases themselves!
Their counterparts Fred, Pedro, and Slim by way of comparison had 77 adventures themselves, wherein they face off usually against more pedestrian foes. Even when they were accompanied by Norah Blaine and their lives got more interesting, their cases did not. And like their dopplegangers, they generally kept to the,selves and didn't interact with their fellow superheroes. Of course, at Elasti-Girl's wedding to Mento, several superheroes attended... And the Flash aided her team once when Negative Man was under the weather. Similarly, Johnny Thunder once ran into Slim, Pedro and Fred. Still, these Patrols had their own niches in their own respective universes, which led to their disappearances.
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