Their world's preeminent protectors were the Justice League and Justice Society... their legendary lads and lasses were the Teen Titans and Infinity, Inc.... their titanic teams were the Legion of Super-Heroes and All-Star Squadron. And then there was the twin tragic teams handling worldly weirdness.
However, there was one other group of superheroes on Earth-One that left their mark... the Outsiders. This team, founded by Batman to handle smaller scale issues, had a couple Justice League candidates who turned down membership, and a few newer untested individuals. What would an Earth-Two Outsiders look like, had that Batman assembled it?
- Judomaster was a Japanese warrior with a noble heart, like Katana.
- Sandy the Silicon Creature, like Metamorpho the Element Man, was able to alter his body into various forms.
- Harlequin was a battling blonde like Halo mastering mesmerizing light effects.
- Batman of the golden age was at his very core like his silver age doppleganger.
- Amazing-Man who like Black Lightning was a former Olympian charged with electrical energy.
- Sandy the Golden Boy drawing his powers from the earth like Geo-Force.
- Hazard's mental might was only matched by the model maiden Looker.
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