On August 15, 1945 marked the conclusion of World War II with the defeat of the Empire of Japan. On this occasion, while the rest of the active members of the Justice Society were involved in the case of the Psycho-Pirate, their secretary Wonder Woman was present in New York City during the end-of-war celebration. Unexpectedly, the alien Cereberons abducted her boyfriend, Major Steve Trevor, transforming him into their emissary to judge all humanity. The heroine successfully convinced the Cereberons to retreat from Earth-Two, with Trevor reverting to normal.
During this adventure, Wonder Woman's mother Hippolyte was instructed by her daughter's Justice Society colleagues Doctor Fate and Spectre to allow her to continue operating in "Man's World" as a protector. However, at this time, Doctor Fate had lost his full-face helmet when the evil Kulak stole it in the winter of 1942. It was now tumbling throughout various dimensions.
During the next meeting of the Justice Society, Spectre expressed gratitude that Wonder Woman's mother allowed her to remain in America. At this point in time, Kent Nelson retired as Doctor Fate until his return decades later, when he retrieved his mask once more.
It appears that the Doctor Fate who joined Spectre in the earlier conversation with Hippolyte on August 15, 1945 was the Fate from the composite post-Crisis Earth, who had traveled back in time with the Justice Society of his world to the temporal Earth-Two dimension of Asgard in April of 1945.
This Doctor Fate was the doppelgänger of the mysterious Doctor Chaos, who appeared in the late 1960s on Earth-One and briefly battled Superboy, before being subdued and imprisoned once more. While the man behind the mask, archaeologist assistant Bert Belker, was the counterpart of Kent's father archaeologist Sven Nelson, the Lord of Chaos behind the evil Doctor was his world's version of the Lord of Order... the good Earth-0 Doctor Fate, residing in the faux-Asgard*.
*It is probable that the Spectre who spoke with Hippolyte was different from the Spectre who attended the Justice Society meeting, as there was a duplicate Spectre also from the composite post-Crisis Earth who resided in faux-Asgard at the same time as that version of Doctor Fate.
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