Two large intergalatic law enforcement organizations operated in the universe of Earth-One, with correspondening negative versions residing in the Antimatter Universe of Qward. Each would be equipped with state of the art weaponry and tactic guidance that made them forces to be reckoned with for those whom they faced in battle.
The oldest of these were the Green Lantern Corps led by the Guardians of the Universe on Earth-One, and the Thunderers... also known as Destroyers.... of Qward. In the 20th century, a secondary force was devised by the Weaponers of Qward to oppose their Guardian's troops, this force being the Anti-Green Lantern Corps. Coming equipped with a black lantern centeral power battery that functioned much as the green lantern central power battery, its users had a severe handicap in that the black energy required far more will power then the green energy, and so the Anti-Green Lanterns had shorter life spans than their positive universe twins. As such, their history was shorter lived.
The secondary alien police force was the Wingmen or Hawkmen of Thanagar-One, who mostly operated on their world although they sent two of their number, Katar and Shayera Hol, to Earth-One for a number of years. Later, while under military dictatorship, they would turn into an oppressive flying force much like the Thunderers of Qward although not as technologically advanced. They were ultimately vanquished.
Of note as well are the two agent forces, discontinued for thousands of years until the 20th century, in the form of the Guardians' Manhunter androids and the Weaponers' Shadow Demons. These would reappear in modern times due to the guidance of the Manhunter's leader and the Shadow Demons' master Anti-Monitor returning to lead them. They would prove potent, but also ultimately beatable.
Other universes such as Earth-Two didn't have such forces, although that particular world had Chang's ancient Green Dragon Tong and the bird people of Feithera, whom that world's Green Lantern and Hawkman met.
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