The android Red Tornado had a long arduous history as a member of the Justice Society, and then Justice League. Originally an elemental entity threatening the planet of Rann named the Tornado Tyrant, this being turned good as the Tornado Champion and created a synthetic version of the League to battle is evil Tyrant persona. This League with its Champion eventually banished the Tyrant to the Anti-Matter Universe, then learned of the existence of Earth-Two. There he found the android who the Champion would merge with.
Modeled after the original Red Tornado, the costumed alias of Ma Hunkle from decades earlier, this android duplicate was constructed by T.O. Morrow to infiltrate and destroy both teams he would eventually join. Each time, Tornado was loyal to his heroic peers. He joined the Justice Society as a probationary member.
During one adventure, Tornado used the Nebula Rod constructed by the Seven Soldiers of Victory to see destroy a Nebula Hand that had been gripping Earth-Two in its destructive grasp. Destroying it, Tornado was then exiled to Earth-One.
Soon after joining the Justice League, Reddy was destroyed once more by a alien known as Nekron. He was later reassembled by the cosmic computer labeled Construct III, an electronic entity with a goal of enslaving Earth.
Still later, while traveling with Superman to the Anti-Matter Universe to defeat the Weaponers of Qward, Red Tornado inadvertently and unknowingly merged once more with his exiled Tornado Tyrant persona who had resided in that reality for years. What activities the Tyrant was engaged in during his time there isn’t known, although likely he silently observed the sinister nature of Qward’s inhabitants reinforcing his own tenacious tendencies.
Once more in his native universe now on Earth-One, the Tornado Tyrant sought revenge against the League which he almost obtained with the android's creator T.O. Morrow tampered with his robotic shell. Yet again, the Tornado Champion defeated the Tyrant, although this evil entity remained dormant, awaiting a future occasion when he would be awoken once more.
This opportunity arrived during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, when the Anti-Monitor unleashed the Tyrant once more. This Monitor became aware of this Tornadic creature during its years residing in Qward's universe, and saw it as a key to destroying the positive-matter universes who vexed him.
Although the combined might of the Justice Society were able to subdue the Tornado Tyrant, neither it nor its split persona the Champion ever resumed the Red Tornado identity, seeking to remain as the elemental entity it once was and desiring to be left alone.
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