The rogue reptilian Gordanian of planet Karna were known throughout the Vega star system as slavers of various worlds, at times working alongside the Citadel empire. Eventually, their conflict spilled over into the Terran system, where their forces met Earth's heroes.
On Earth-One, the invading Gordanians were in pursuit of Tamaran Princess Koriand'r, aka Starfire. This brought them into conflict with the recently assembled New Teen Titans, of whom Starfire joined. A later encounter was led her sister Blackfire aka Komand'r, which likewise led to their defeat. Their other foes were the Omega Men, led by Primus of planet Euophiox.
Residents of Euophiox's cosmic twin planet Tora* were oppressed by their reality's version of the Gordanians. Seeking assistance, the leader of Tora known as Beran lured several humans of Earth-Two** including Batman and Robin to his world via a rocket ship disguised as a tourist attraction. On Tora, the Dynamic Duo and their Terran and Toran allies allied with the former jailers of the Gordanians, capturing their forces and liberating the planet.
* We know that this tale, in 1958, took place on Earth-Two and not on Earth-One, as Robin's counterpart did not recognize nor acknowledge the Gordanians when they first battled his Titans.
** A divergent strand of Gordanians journeyed to Earth-Two, led by Ayrn the Underlord, where they built a vast subterranean city underneath the surface. They briefly had an alliance with the Injustice Society, and afterwards battled the Justice Society of America.
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