Ten-thousand years in the future, inquisitive individuals found ancient devices with the power to assist or ail humanity. Untold centuries in the past, two ancient immortal Atlanteans possessed the means to change the world. Two evil men on Earth-One, Xotor of tomorrow and Garn Daanuth of yesterday.... and their noble cosmic twins on Earth-Two. And the times when they met twin teams of Justice.
On Earth-Two, Xotor's doppleganger read a note buried along with ancient jars, that had been written by Wonder Woman. She detailed the occasion during the middle of the 20th century when the Justice Society battled synthetic beings created by immortal paint*, These were the wicked works of a disgruntled archaeologist named Niles Farrow. An ancient Atlantean, a benevolent version of Garn Daanuth, warned Farrow of the effects using this paint would produce.
Farrow painted these psuedo-people to use as agents of death against six men whom he carried grudges against. However, when an accident led to fatal injuries, Farrow called for the Justice Society, admitting his plan in order to ease his conscience and hopefully save his intended victims.
The Society were able to overcome the paintings from different locations around the world, and return them to their jars. There they remained buried on New York, until Xotor-Two discovered them ten-thousands years later. Unlike his counterpart, this Xotor left the jars entombed so no others might be tempted by their power.
On Earth-One, Xotor decided to test the four weapons he located against the Justice League in the late 20th century, to see which device defeated them and could be used on the authorities of his era. The team were able to defeat Xotor and his gigantic robot.
Years later, another threat, this from ancient Atlantis, was revealed in the immortal mad man known as Garn Daanuth. This villian used his powers to transform three humans into elementals in the cities of Metropolis, Los Angeles and Midway City. The focal point between the three locations was Daanuth's City of the Golden Gate, which he intended to raise from being submerged underwater. The Justice League thwarted his plans, and Daanuth apparently perished.
*Some of this living liquid may have been what the man who would become Neon the Unknown drank to gain his powers, abilities on par with his counterpart... and Daanuth's brother... Arion in ancient Atlantis.
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