Sinestro earned his reputation as being an adaptable adversary of his arch-foe Hal “Green Lantern” Jordan. A former member of the Green Lantern Corps himself, before his greedy misuse of his power and position caused him to be exiled by the Guardians of the Universe into the Anti-Matter Universe, Sinestro had a backup plan. Currying the favor of the Weaponers of the planet Qward, Sinestro launched a series of attack on the Guardians and their Corps using a variety of weapons. Still, Jordan always outmaneuvered his enemy, finally ensnaring him in energy form.
However, Sinestro absorbed both emerald and Q-energy within the taxi cab named Goitrude, regaining his physical body. Forcibly recruiting three human crooks to genetically modify into his clones, Sinestro and his new Corps of a dozen minions launched a preemptive attack on Earth-Two. There, he and his forces were vanquished by Hal and his counterpart of that world, Alan “Green Lantern” Scott. While he was brought back to Earth-One, his Sinestro siblings remained on there world of Earth-Two.
Soon after, Sinestro convinced his sister to assist him in capturing Hal and his friends Green Arrow and Black Canary, which ended once more in his defeat. Still later, he lured Jordan to a Korugan yellow null-ray house his father operated, which cause he and his clients to become drugged out dope-heads. Even this scheme fizzled, Sinestro apparently gave up on his family.
While the original Sinestro of Earth-One’s universe battled Hal Jordan a dozen times*, the Earth-Two Sinestro Corps with their dozen members** battled Alan Scott only on this one occasion when both Green Lanterns decisively defeated them and their creator. What became of the Sinestro Corps members now on Earth-Two… or the Sinestro family remaining in Korugar-One… is unknown. However, given their criminal nature, most likely they were imprisoned by the law enforcement authorities if those worlds. Although their leader escaped to ancient Camelot to steal Lantern's power battery.
* Sinestro also made appearances alongside his part-time cronies in the Secret Society of Super-Villians, as well as tormenting some of Jordan’s Justice League colleagues occasionally.
** These cloned Korugans constituted counterparts to Sinestro himself as well as his sister, along with father’s addicted clients.
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