Among the various cosmic entities that plagued the Multiverse, the dopplegangers Auron and Ynar were within the top tier as to most powerful... and at times... most misguided. Auron was associated with the extraterrestrial freedom fighters of Earth-One's Vega System known as the Omega Men. Ynar was a longtime member of the universal peace corps of Earth-Two's reality known as the Lords of Order.
Auron was the product of a union between the genetically mutated Okaaran woman named X'Hal and a savage Branx warrior. However, the alien Psion's mad experiment backfired, as X'Hal's two children became the first Citadelian and the other a lad named Lambien. This boy gained powers bequeathed to him by his mother, which he used to counteract her destructive rampage as Auron through the Vegan sector of space. Eventually, he joined forces with the Omega Men while on Earth-One.
Ynar had mysterious origins which led him to untold years of service amongst his fellow Lords of Order. Over time, he saw the destructive consequences of their battle versus their opposite number, the Lords of Chaos. Eventually, Ynar decided to betray his fellow lords and form a partnership with one of the Chaos Lords*. Together, they attempted to coerce Doctor Fate of Earth-Two into joining their cause, which he was able to successfully oppose.
* This Earth-Two Lord of Chaos was named Vandaemeon, whose counterpart was a being named Morloo whom the evil Doctor-7 enslaved on a few occasions versus his arch-foe Mark Merlin.
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