The Battling Bowmen known as Green Arrow and Speedy on both Earths One and Two had long prestigious careers battling crime, supported by the wealth of Arrow's alter ego Oliver Queen. Their wards and sidekicks named Roy Harper faithful stuck to their mentors, both in their civilian identities and aliases as Speedy. And then, tragedy struck for each Dynamic Duo!
Meanwhile, Roy gradually pulled away from even his close friends in the Teen Titans, and fell into a pattern of substance abuse. While eventually coming out of this, he no longer trusted Oliver as being there to support him, and started a solo crimefighting career.
On Earth-Two, Green Arrow and Speedy were members of the Law's Legionnaires, also known as the Seven Soldiers of Victory. When they were pulled from their native time period in the late 1940's due to their battle alongside their fellow Soldiers versus the Nebula Man, there were still stories told specially about them on through the late 1950s.
These post 1948 tales can either be ascribed to untold adventures from the 1940s, or new cases upon their return to the 20th century in the early 1970s. There is logic in assuming that several of Arrow and Speedy's adventures took place after October of 1972, when they and their fellow Soldiers returned to the present. Their teammate Vigilante faced a similar situation, as his tales were still told until 1954, years after he disappeared.
The dynamic between this pair of archers remained familial, unlike that of the silver age archers of Earth-One, as a rift developed between Green Arrow and Speedy. Part of this may have been due to Arrow's alter ego Oliver Queen losing his fortune, which his counterpart evidentally never experienced. Then there is the fact that unlike their dopplegangers on Earth-Two who were members of the same team blending adult and teen heroes together, the Earth-One Green Arrow was heavily involved with the older Justice League, while Speedy centered his activities with the Teen Titans.
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