Among the greatest inventions of planet Thanagar, besides the discovery of anti-gravitational metal, are devices known as the Absorbacron and the Electromizer. These invasive mechanisms could mentally augment those connected to them, mentally implanting potentiallyl so vast quantities of information into an individual's brain. This allowed an individual to rapidly assimilate entire languages as well as culture information, which Thanagarians could use to integrate into societies alien to their own.
The Absorbacron was originally developed on Thanagar-One by the initially benevolent inhabitants of that world. When the malicous Man-Hawks invaded and pillaged their planet, a select number of Thanagarians were tasked and trained to become the Wingmen, a global police force employing the anti-gravity belts and winged harnesses developed by Paran Hol and used by his son Katar. Eventually, Katar and his wife Shayera were commissioned to travel to Earth-One, where they would learn the policing procedures of humanity as Hawkman and Hawkwoman, a concept foreign to those of Thanagar who had previously never experienced crime on their world.
The Electromizer was originally developed on Thanagar-Two by the thoroughly malevolent Vulture King and his fellow Vultures, who sought to reclaim their people’s former glory as they ventured to Earth-Two in an attempt to conquer this world. Their avian ancestors failed to conquer humanity during the ages of Egyptian Prince Khufu and English protector the Silent Knight. Now equipped with winged harnesses enhancing their speed and maneuverability, Vulture King's minions sought to enslave human-kind into their forces.
When Thanagar-One experienced a devastating global Equalizing Plague which crippled their citizenry, followed by a conquest of the alien dictator Hyathis, the Thanagarians abandoned their Wingmen aliases and began a Shadow War on Earth-One. This led to repeated conflicts with Hawkman and Hawkwoman.
Earth-Two experienced an invasion of Vulture King and his minions, following their fellow advanced Vulture scout Aiymer’s arrival, who had clashed with Doll Man years earlier. Although initially successful in forcibly recruiting residents of Earth into their winged forces, the Vultures were eventually defeated by Wonder Woman, the Justice Society teammate of Hawkman and longterm friend of his wife Hawkgirl.
Just as Thanagarian Vultures used the Electromizer to mentally manipulate humans, who wore enlarged bird-like winged suits, Thanagarian Shadow Warriors used the Absorbacron to mentally manipulate their former flying foes, the Man-Hawks, in an attempt to control Gotham City during the period of the Convengence (when that city and others of various universes was placed on an alien world for a year). Katar and Shayera defeated both Man-Hawks and Shadow Warriors.
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