The Weaponers of Qward had a long-standing emnity towards inhabitants of Earth-One, seeking to invade that world using a portal that bridged the gap between the positive-matter universe of Earth with the anti-matter universe their world resided within. Seeking to conquer this planet, making it a base of operations from which to launch attacks again their rival dopplegangers, the Guardians of the Universe from the planet Oa, the Qwardians nearly succeeded thanks to their mastery of the Q-Force. This energy was other universe's correspondencing fundamental force to the emerald energy which the Guardians manifested in their reality.
A similar tale was told years earlier, when sinister scientist T.O. Morrow of Earth-One traveled to Earth-Two to plunder and conquer that world. Utilizing his time grapple and future viewer, he replicated a sentient computer which provided him with the humaniztron. This device could take inorganic material and replicate into human-like authorized beings, from which he built a subservient army of faceless androids. Among these was his greatest creation, the Red Tornado, whom Morrow implanted with the Justice Society to betray them from within. After felonious forays first of Earth-Two and soon after on Earth-One versus the Justice Society and Justice League, the latter of whom he temporarily disabled with deadly clones* of the Leaguer's romantic partners. Morrow's ultimate plan nearly came to fruition when he attempted to launch a war between both Earths with his android forces as the catalyst for this cosmic conflict.

Just as with Morrow and his menacing mechanoids, the Weaponer warlord Kaman and his fellow Qwardans’ schemes were overturned by the Red Tornado. Reddy soon revived and recruited the Justice League and Justice Society to repel the faceless armies staged in Inter-dimensional limbo, he also led the attack against the Qwardians after freeing their captive, Superman who along with Tornado helped revive their fellow Leaguers and Earths population kept comatose by Q-Energy.
As for the raw material which Morrow used as building blocks to build his amazing android army, these were fragments of Earth-One’s Meteor Crater. The Flash of Earth-Two transported this meteor to his world in order to absorb deadly radiation emitted from that world’s sun, after a comet collided with it. While the meteor located within the Meteor Crater of Earth-Two negated the radioactivity lingering in its atmosphere, a second dose was needed from the meteor’s Earth-One doppelgänger. This irradiated meteor dust would have the necessary properties for Morrow’s humaniztron to bring his synthetic creations to artificial life.
Despite having access to awesome power derived from Q-Force irradiated twin suns in Qward's Universe and from an atomic sun in the Limbo realm between universes, neither Kaman and his Weaponers nor Morrow and his androids triumphed. While most of these adversarial androids were evidentially left behind in the Atlantis of Earth-Two, the 1279 Qwardians now on Earth-One made a new home within the Australian outback of Earth-One, in a secluded village named New Qward.
* Morrow used his Futurenergy to create energy duplicates of five friends (Steve Trevor, Jean Loring, Shayera "Hawkgirl" Hol, Midge and Mera Curry) and one foe (Doctor Light) of the League, while Per Degaton's time machine created six temporal duplicates of the Society's old foes (Per Degaton, Wotan, Professor Zodiak, King Bee, Monster and Sky Pirate) from 1948 in 1941. The original friends and foes of these heroes existed separate and simultaneous to their "chronal-clones" on these occasions.
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