The Guardians of the Universe, that is the universe of Earth-One, sought to restore order to their chaotic realm through various means. First, the converted the rogue member of the race Krona, transforming him into a globe orbiting the expansive cosmos for all eternity. Second, the Guardians exile energy incompatible with their own emerald energy, which the concentrated and projected into the heart of a star in Earth-Two's universe. Third, they developed a series of powerful protectors, which they dispatched throughout the galaxies surrounding their planet Oa.
Among these avenging agents were the android Manhunters, who eventually became defective as they saw all living beings as inherently evil, which they saw as falling into the mission statement and purpose to remove all evil from the universe. Following this, the Guardians developed numerous power batteries and power rings which drew energy from these, appointing living agents throughout thousands of space sectors as Green Lanterns. To further aid in civilizations untouched by the Lanterns' activities, the Guardians also developed sentient Green Globs, empowered by their emerald energy to teach individuals moral lessons. One such Green Glob arrived on Earth-One during the 1960s, prior to the appointment of that world's first Green Lantern, Hal Jordan.
Meanwhile, in last 1941, Earth-Two was invaded the the exiled Globe of Evil. This entity sought out an individual nursing animosity which it could harness to split its essence into multiple globes. Together with this human, former boxer and trainer Joe Morgan, the Evil-Globes fomented a conflict between Joe's three former students.... Ted "Wildcat" Grant, Al "Atom" Pratt, and Jim "Guardian" Harper... versus Alan "Green Lantern" Scott, Jay "Flash" Garrick and Diana "Wonder Woman" Prince. Once freed of the globes' mental control, the three protegees of Morgan joined their three former foes to track down Joe and combat the original Globe.
One such individual whom the Green Glob regrettably never had opportunity to encounter and thus effect was gym teacher Guy Gardner, who was later be recruited by the Guardians as the backup Green Lantern of Sector 2814. Although Gardner was eventually tasked with substituting for the primary Lantern, Hal Jordan, this case led to tragedy which fractured Guy's mind. Like his counterpart Joe Morgan, Guy Gardner became corrupted by the emerald energy gifted him, turning him into a morally dubious Green Lantern when finally called upon once more during the Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Following their battle with the Evil-Globes, the six members of the All-Star Squadron vanquished the creature as Morgan perished, with Alan Scott using his power ring to exile the emerald entity from Earth-Two. Like the Evil-Globes, the Green Globs left Earth-One, nevermore to return.
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