Saturday, August 10, 2024

2nd Generation Goggled Gliders: Von Hammer II & McNider II

Rittmeister Hans Von Hammer and Doctor Charles McNider were noble individuals with heroic dispositions. However, while McNider was a doctor and a healer, VonHammer was a warrior and a killer. Each faced tragedy, the Rittmeister from the blind greed of his society and the Doctor the literal blindness inflicted by a bullet. As the Enemy Ace and Doctor Mid-Nite, these two doppelgänger led among the most diametrically divergent lives of any two counterparts on Earths One and Two respectively.

At some point, possibly in the 1940s, Von Hammer died of undisclosed causes. In the late 1940s, McNider himself technically died alongside his fellow members of the Justice Society when each of them was attacked by an insane museum guard impersonating history's greatest villains. While Von Hammer had progeny in the form a descendant named Heinrich Von Hammer, McNider faced a drastically different situation.

After being brought along with four other Justice Socialites to Transformation Island by their colleagues Wonder Woman and Black Canary, each of them was revived thanks to Paula VonGunther's Purple Healing Ray (of which the original model was invented by Wonder Woman herself). Months after the Society defeated the crazed museum bandit, the Justice Society faced Professor Zobar Zodiak, who bound the male members of the team on his perpetual motion machine.

Freeing themselves by reverting their bodies to that a adolescent boys using Zodiak's elixir of youth, McNider gained that which the other four members already gained years before, a second chance at a new life! While Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman and Atom gained extended life due to exposure from the shadows emitted from their foe Ian Karkull, a revitalized McNider/Mid-Nite was born that day!

After a sky duel in which Heinrich assumed his forefather's role as the Enemy Ace versus Batman, the German lost his life when his plane crashed. At this point, it was his rival and the true heir to the original Enemy Ace's legacy, the Batman who took up his role. As such, shortly after during a cosmic crisis involving Creator 2, the cosmos deemed that Doctor Mid-Nite's closest Earth-One counterpart was the Batman, since both previous Enemy Aces had since perished. Soon after, the Batman of Earth-Two would himself die in battle saving his allies of the Justice Society.

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711 (1) Abel (1) Abin Sur (2) Abra Kadabra (3) Absorbacron (1) Ace of Space (1) Ackwardman (1) Adam Strange (9) Adeline Wilson (1) Adjudicator (2) Aegeus (1) Aethyr (1) Air Wave (7) Akhet (4) Alanna (1) Albert Zero (1) Alex Luthor (6) Alexander the Great (2) Alexei Luthor (13) Alfie Twidgett (2) Alfred (3) Alien Invaders (13) Alien Races (14) All-Star Squadron (6) All-Stars (33) Allura (1) Ally Babble (1) Amalak (1) Amalek (1) Amazing-Man (4) Amazo (4) Amazons (2) Ambush Bug (2) Americommando (2) Amethyst (1) Andre Chavard (2) Angel and Ape (1) Angel Devlin (1) Angle Man (1) Ani-Men (2) Animal Man (3) Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man (1) Animals (4) Annihilator (3) Answer Man (1) Anti-Electrric (1) Anti-Justice League (1) Anti-Lad (1) Anti-Life Equation (2) Anti-Matter Man (3) Anti-Matter universe (2) Anti-Monitor (5) Antimatter Universe (3) Anton Allegro (1) Anton Hastor (1) Anton Teljas (1) Ape Mastermind (1) Apokolips (2) Appellaxians (8) Aquagirl (2) Aqualad (3) Aquaman (16) Aquarius 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Brain (2) Brain Storm (2) Brain Wave (16) Brain Wave Junior (3) Brain-Pirate (1) Brainiac (10) Brainiac Five (5) Brainwave Junior (3) Brane Taylor (3) Brave and the Bold (8) Breach (1) Brenda Manning (1) Brent Wood (1) Brickbat (1) Brimstone (2) Bron Wayn (2) Bronze Tiger (1) Brotherhood of Evil (1) Brute (1) Buddak (3) Buddy Smith (1) Bug-Eyed Bandit (1) Bulldog Drumhead (1) Bulletgirl (7) Bulletman (6) Bumblebee (2) Bur Sed (1) Burp the Twerp (4) Bushmaster (1) Bwanna Beast (1) Byth (1) Cadre (1) Cain (1) Calculator (1) Calendar Men (1) Canada (1) Captain Action (1) Captain Atom (3) Captain Blimp (1) Captain Booomerang (1) Captain Carrot (4) Captain Caution (2) Captain Challenge (3) Captain Cold (4) Captain Comet (8) Captain Desmo (1) Captain Kid (2) Captain Marvel (11) Captain Marvel Bunny (2) Captain Marvel Junior (2) Captain Midnight (3) Captain Nazi (1) Captain Skull (1) Captain Stingaree (1) Captain Strong (1) Captain Thunder (1) Captain Triumph (4) Captain USA (1) Captain 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(1) Construct (3) Controllers (3) Copperhead (1) Corla Tavo (1) Cory Renwald (2) Cosmic Boy (3) Cosmic Converter Belt (1) Cosmic Corsair (1) Cosmic Treadmill (3) Cosmo (1) Cotton Carson (1) Council of Living Stars (3) Count Vertigo (1) Crazy Quilt (2) Creator2 (2) Creature Commandos (2) Creeper (1) Crime Champions (2) Crime Crusaders Club (1) Crime Doctor (2) Crime Syndicate (17) Crime-Caster (2) Crimelord (1) Crimson Avenger (8) Crimson Flame (2) Crumbler (1) Crusader (1) Cryll (2) Cryotuber (2) Cyborg (1) Cyclone (2) Cyclone Kids (2) Cyclotron (3) Cyclotronic Man (1) Daemen (1) Daily Planet (3) Daily Star (3) Dalma (1) Dalymr (1) Dan Turpin (2) Dan White (1) Daniel Young (1) Daredevils (1) Dark Angel (1) Dark Opal (1) Darklight (1) Darkseid (6) Dawnstar (1) DC Detectives (4) Deadman (2) Deadshot (2) Dean Sourpuss (1) Deathbolt (1) Deathstroke (1) Defenders (3) Dela Pharon (2) Despero (2) Destiny (1) Detective Chimp (1) Dev-Em (1) Devil's Dagger (1) Dexter Knox (1) Dexter Myles (1) Dial H for Hero (11) Diamond Jack (1) Diamond Men (1) Diamondeth (1) Dian Belmon (1) Diana Prince (1) Diane Meade (1) Dictionary (1) Dimension Aqua (1) Dirk Giles (1) Dmane (1) Doctor Alchemy (4) Doctor Chaos (1) Doctor Clever (1) Doctor Cyber (2) Doctor Cyclops (1) Doctor Death (2) Doctor Destiny (4) Doctor Doog (1) Doctor Doome (2) Doctor Double-X (3) Doctor Elba (3) Doctor Elektro (1) Doctor Fate (7) Doctor Fu Manchu (1) Doctor Light (8) Doctor Love (1) Doctor Lovelace (1) Doctor Mid-Nite (16) Doctor Midnight (2) Doctor Mist (1) Doctor No-Face (3) Doctor Occult (4) Doctor Phosphorous (1) Doctor Poison (4) Doctor Polaris (2) Doctor Psycho (1) Doctor Silence (1) Doctor Spectrum (1) Doctor Thirteen (1) Doctor Tzin-Tzin (1) Doctor Weerd (2) Doctor Zodiac (1) Doiby Dickles (4) Doll Girl (2) Doll Man (12) Dolphin (2) Don Drake (1) Don Quixote (1) Don-El (7) Doom Patrol (7) Doralla Kon (1) Doris Lee (2) Dorolla Kon (1) Dove (1) Dragon (1) Dragon King (1) Dream Dimension (2) Dream Girl (1) Duke of Deception (1) Duke Saturno (4) Dumb Bunny (1) Dummy (1) Duo Damsel (1) Dust Devils (1) Dyna-Mite (5) Dyzan (1) Earth-Eight (9) Earth-Four (18) Earth-One (1) Earth-Prime (5) Earth-S (21) Earth-Three (2) Earth-Twelve (7) Earth-Two (2) Earth-X (4) Earthworm (1) Eclipso (4) Edmund Blake (2) Edna Danvers (1) Edward Runyon (1) Edward Thayer (2) Eeras (5) Egon (1) El Carim (1) El Castigo (1) El Diablo (1) Elaine Blane (1) Elasti-Girl (4) Elastic-Lad (2) Element Lad (1) Element Man (1) Elements (2) Eliminations Inc (2) Elle Leeds (1) Ellie Leeds (1) Elliot Maggin (1) Elmo (1) Elongated Man (2) Eltro Gand (2) Emerald Empress (1) Emerald Energy (2) Emery Zackro (1) Emperor (1) Enchantress (1) Enemy Ace (7) Enrichetta Negrini (3) Eradicator (1) Esper Lass (1) Etrigan (1) Etta Candy (4) Eva Teljas (1) Evart Keenan (1) Evil Star (3) Evil Three (1) Evil-Globe (1) Eviless (2) Faceless Hunter (1) Fadeaway Man (1) Fairytales Fenton (1) Fang Gow (1) Faora Hu-ul (2) Fatal Five (1) Father Time (2) Fatman (1) Fearsome Five (7) Feathered Serpent (1) Federal Man (1) Federal Men (2) Feithera (2) Felix Faust (2) Female Fury (1) Ferlin Nyxly (1) Fiddler (11) Fiery-Icer (1) Fifty-Fifty (1) Fighters (2) Fiona Webb (1) Firebrand (6) Firebug (1) Firefly (1) Firehawk (1) Firestorm (8) Fisherman (2) Five Fingers (6) Flag (1) Flamebird (6) Flamesplasher Twins (1) Flare (1) Flash (42) Flora Styles (1) Floronic Man (2) Flying Batcave (1) Flying Fox (4) Flying Tiger (8) Fog (1) Fool (1) Forager (1) Force of July (1) Forever People (7) Forgotten Heroes (9) Forgotten Villains (1) Fortress of Solitude (1) Fourth Dimension (1) Fred (3) Fred Cantrell (1) Fred Danvers (1) Freedom Brigade (4) Freedom Fighters (20) Fringe (5) Funky Flashman (1) Funny Face (8) Fury (7) Futureman (1) Futurites (1) G.I. Robot (1) Gabby (1) Gadgeteer (2) Gadgets (6) Galactic Golem (1) Gambler (2) Gargoyle (1) Garn Daanuth (1) Gary Concord (2) Gary Minelli (1) Gas Gang (1) Gat Benson (1) Gateway City (1) Gem Girl (2) General Electric (2) General Immortus (1) General Ito (1) General Zod (3) Genghis Khan (2) Gentleman Ghost (1) Geo-Force (2) George Taylor (1) Geraldine (1) Gernsback (1) Getaway Genius (1) Ghost (1) Ghost of Flanders (1) Girl Archer (1) Gizmo (2) Glass Man (1) Global Guardians (13) Globe-Leader (2) Gloria Giles (1) Glorn (1) Godiva (1) Goitrude (3) Golden Arrow (3) Golden Eagle (2) Golden Glider (1) Golden Man (1) Goldface (1) Gordanians (2) Gorilla City (1) Gorilla Gantry (1) Gorilla Grodd (6) Gorilla Grood (1) Gorrah (1) Gotham City (1) Granny Goodness (1) Gravitron Man (1) Grax (1) Green Arrow (24) Green Arrows of the World (4) Green Blop (1) Green Dragon Tong (2) Green Flame (3) Green Fury (2) Green Glob (1) Green Lantern (49) Green Lantern Corps (15) Green Lantern Corps. Guardians of the Universe (1) Green Spider (1) Green Tornado (1) Green-Heads (1) Gregory Reed (1) Gremlins (1) Guardian (5) Guardians of the Universe (9) Gundra (1) Guy Gardner (7) Gypsy (1) H.I.V.E. (1) Hack O'Hara (1) Halk Kar (4) Halo (3) Hammer of Thor (1) Hangman (1) Hans Gootsden (1) Harbinger (3) Hard Water (1) Harlequin (5) Harry Sims (2) Hartford Jackson (1) Harvey Bullock (2) Harvey Hainer (1) Hath-Set (1) Hator (1) Hawgirl (1) Hawk (1) Hawkgirl (16) Hawkman (32) Hawkwoman (4) Hazard (1) He-Man (1) Headmaster Mind (1) Headmen (1) Headquarters (21) Heat Wave (1) Hector Bauer (1) Hector Hammond (2) Hefnakhti (1) Helio (2) Helix (1) Hellgrammite (1) Hero (1) Heydays (1) Hi-Jack (3) Highfather (2) Hila (2) Hocus & Pocus (1) Holliday Girl (1) Holliday Girls (1) Hood (1) Hooty (1) Hop Harrigan (7) Horned Owl Gang (1) Horton Var (1) Hot Rod (1) Hourman (8) How Chu (2) Htrae (3) Hubert Crawford (1) Hugo Strange (5) Human Bomb (3) Human Cannonball (1) Human Flying Fish (2) Human Key (1) Human Magnet (1) Human Target (1) Hummingbird (1) Humpty Dumpty (1) Hunchback (1) Huntress (19) Hyanthis (2) Hyena (1) Hyperspace (4) Hypnota (1) I-Ching (1) Ian Karkull (4) Ibac (1) Ibis the Invincible (3) Icicle (9) Illyria (1) Immortal Man (6) Impala (1) Impossible But True (1) Inferior Five (4) Infinite Man (1) Infinitors (14) Infinity Inc. (6) Infinity Man (2) Infinity Stones (1) Infinity-Man (1) Injustice Gang (7) Injustice Society (12) Insect Master (1) Insect Queen (4) Inspector Henderson (1) Interplanetary Police (1) Invaders (1) Invisible Destroyer (1) Invisible Hood (2) Invisible Kid (3) Inza Nelson (1) Iona Vane (1) Ira Quimby (1) Iris West (10) Iron Hand (3) Iron Munro (1) Iron-Arms (1) Ironclaw (1) Isis (1) Ivan Caroff (2) J. Wilbur Wolfingham (1) J'onn J'onzz (9) Jack O'Lantern (2) Jade (5) Jan Haasan (2) Jan Haasen (1) Jasma (1) Jason Bard (1) Jason Burr (1) Jason Todd (1) Jasper Crow (1) Javelin (1) Jax-Ur (2) Jayna (1) Jean Loring (5) Jemm (1) Jenet Klyburn (1) Jericho (1) Jester (4) Jeyes (1) Jim Corrigan (1) Jimmy Olsen (10) Jimmy Olsen Fan Club (1) Jinal Ne Comarr (2) Joan Carter (1) Joan Fortune (1) Joan Lincoln (1) Joan White (1) Joan Williams (8) Joanie Swift (1) Joe Hercules (1) Joe Morgan (3) Joe Parry (1) John F. Kennedy (1) John Jones (1) John Kent (1) John Stewart (6) Johnny Law (1) Johnny Peril (1) Johnny Quick (10) Johnny Thunder (8) Johnny Witts (1) Joker (6) Jolly Roger (1) Jonah Hex (4) Jonathan Kent (1) Jonni DC (1) Jonni Thunder (4) Jonnie Love (1) Jonny Double (1) Jor-El (4) Jor-L (5) Judomaster (4) Juggler (1) Julia Remarque (1) Julie Madison (1) Julius Caesar (2) Jungle Man (1) Jungle Master (1) Junior Justice Society (4) Jur-Ll (1) Justa Lotta Animals (4) Justice Alliance of America (4) Justice League of America (60) Justice Society of America (60) Kale (1) Kalista (2) Kamandi (4) Kana Shadow Warrior (1) Kandor (8) Kanjar Ro (5) Kanto (1) Karat (2) Karate Kid (2) Kari Limbo (1) Karl Kruger (1) Karnage (1) Kaskor (1) Katana (2) Kathy Kulhammer (1) Kathy Sutton (1) Katma Tui (1) Keith Everett (1) Ker Sed (1) Key (2) Khufu (1) Kid Devil (1) Kid Eternity (2) Kid Flash (5) Killer Croc (1) Killer Frost (2) Killer Moth (1) Killer Shark (2) King Bee (4) King Brpxz (1) King Faraday (1) King Ironsides (1) King Killer (2) King Kull (3) King Luna (1) King of Cats (1) King Standish (1) King Tassel (1) Kite-Man (1) Kitty (1) Kizo (2) Knodar (1) Kobra (1) Kogats (1) Kookie Quartet (1) Koron (1) Kra (1) Kral (1) Kritter (1) Krogg (1) Krona (2) Kru-El (4) Krypto (5) Krypton (5) Kryptonite (7) Kryptonite Kid (1) Kryptonite Man (1) Kulak (1) Kung (1) Lady Blackhawk (2) Lady Lunar (2) Lana Kurree (2) Lana Lang (6) Lance O'Casey (2) Lando (2) Landor (2) Lara Jor-L (1) Larry Lance (2) Larry Trent (3) Law's Legionnaires (4) Lawless League (4) Lea Lindy (1) League of Assassin (1) League of Challenger-Haters (4) Leaguers (19) Leander (1) Legion Academy (1) Legion of Substitute-Heroes (2) Legion of Super-Heroes (8) Legion of Super-Villains (1) Legionnaires (24) Lemuria (2) Lena Luthor (3) Lena Thorul (3) Lenora Lemaris (1) Lesla-Lar (3) Lewis Lang (1) Lex Luthor (13) Lexor (1) Liandly (2) Liars Club (2) Libby Lawrence (1) Liberty Belle (5) Lieutenant Marvels (2) Lieutenants of Safety (1) Light (7) Light Lass (1) Lightning and Thunder (1) Lightning Bug (1) Lightning Lad (3) Lightning Lord (1) Lightning Master (1) Lightray (2) Lilith (1) Limbo (1) Linda Danvers (1) Linda Lewis (1) Linda Page (1) Lionmane (2) Lita Laverne (2) Little Arthur (1) Little Boy Blue (2) Little Mermaid (1) Little Miss Scarlet (1) Lizard (1) Lois 4XR (2) Lois Lane (19) Lola Barnett (1) Lookalike Squad (1) Looker (1) Lora Jor-El (1) Lord Cob (1) Lord Damyn (1) Lord Gravity (1) Lord of Life (1) Lord of Limbo (2) Lord of Time (4) Lord Satanis (1) Lord Ys (1) Lori Elton (1) Lori Lemaris (2) Lorna Dawn (1) Losers (1) Louise-L (2) Lucille Lane (1) Lucius Fox (1) Lucy Lane (1) Luma Lynai (2) Lunarians (1) Luria (1) Lyla Lerrol (2) Lynx (1) M’La (4) Maaldor (2) Mad Hatter (2) Mad Maestro (1) Madam Brawn (1) Madame .44 (2) Madame Fatal (2) Madame Rouge (3) Madmen (1) Magenta (1) Magnetic Kid (1) Magnificus (1) Magno (1) Major Disaster (1) Mal Duncan (2) Mala (2) Mallo (3) Maltus (1) Mammoth (2) Man-Bat (4) Man-Fish (1) Man-Hawks (1) Manhunter (6) Manhunters (3) Manno (1) Mano (1) Marauder (1) Marcia Monroe (1) Marco Xavier (1) Maria Flura (2) Mariana De Las Cordelliras (1) Marine Marauder (1) Marine Maruader (1) Marion Thayer (1) Mark Lansing (1) Mark Marson (1) Mark Merlin (1) Mark Moonrider (1) Marsboy (1) Martha Kent (1) Martha Roberts. (2) Martian Manhunter (10) Martians (2) Martler (1) Marvel Bunny (1) Marvel Family (2) Marvel Maid (2) Marvin White (4) Mary James (3) Mary Kent (1) Mary Marvel (5) Marya (1) Masked Wonder (2) Master De Stroyer (1) Master Jailer (3) Master Summoner (1) Master-Tek (1) Mastermind (1) Masters of Disaster (1) Matter Master (1) Matter-Eater Lad (1) Mauri (1) Mavis (2) Mavis Trent (1) Maximillian O'Leary (2) Maya (1) Mazdan (1) McGonigle (2) McSnurtle the Turtle (1) Mechanical Mole (1) Medusa (1) Mekanique (2) Melanie (1) Memazons (1) Mentalia (2) Mento (2) Mer-Boy (1) Mer-Man (1) Mera (6) Merlin (1) Merlyn (1) Merry Gimmick Girl (5) Merryman (1) Metal Men (13) Metal Women (1) Metallo (4) Metalo (4) Metamorpho (9) Metamorphs (2) Metron (1) Metropolis (3) Metropolis Meteors (2) Midnight (2) Migrants (21) Miko (1) Mind-Grabber Kid (2) Mindboggler (1) Mineral Master (1) Minister Blizzard (1) Minite-Man (1) Mint Candy (1) Minute Men of America (3) Minute-Man (3) Miraclo (1) Mirror Man (1) Mirror Master (2) Miss America (1) Miss Arrowette (1) Miss Fear (2) Miss Gsptlsnz (1) Miss Liberty (1) Miss Snap (1) Mist (2) Mister 103 (1) Mister Alpha (1) Mister America (7) Mister Bones (3) Mister Element (5) Mister Esper (2) Mister Freeze (1) Mister Gadget (1) Mister Ghool (3) Mister Keeper (1) Mister Kltpzyxm (1) Mister Ktlpzyxm (1) Mister Mind (4) Mister Miracle (3) Mister Mxyzpltk (4) Mister Mxyzptlk (4) Mister Paradox (1) Mister Polka-Dot (1) Mister Scarlet (8) Mister Terrific (4) Mister Thunder (2) Mister Twister (1) Mister Who (3) Mister Zero (1) Mod Gorilla Boss (1) Mole (1) Mon-El (3) Monarch of Menace (1) Money Master (2) Mongul (1) Monitor (3) Monocle (2) Monsieur Mallah (2) Monster (2) Monster Society of Evil (1) Monty Moran (1) Moon (1) Moon Man (1) Moonglow (1) Mordru (1) Morgan Edge (1) Mouse Man (1) Ms. Flash (1) Multi-Man (3) Multi-Woman (2) Multiplex (2) Multiverse Exists (11) Myra Mason (3) Myrwhydden (1) Mystery Analysts of Gotham City (1) Mysto (1) Nam-Ek (1) Nebula 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Percy Bratten (1) Percy Popp (1) Perisphere (2) Perry Poodle (1) Perry White (1) Persuader (1) Pete Ross (4) Phaantom Girl (1) Phantom Eagle (1) Phantom Empire (1) Phantom Girl (1) Phantom Lady (3) Phantom Stranger (2) Phantom Zone (10) Pied Piper (3) Pinball Wizard (1) Pinky (7) Planet Master (1) Planet Princess (1) Planeteer (2) Planeteers (2) Planets (13) Plastic Man (3) Plastique (2) Poison Ivy (5) Pol Manning (1) Polka Dot Bandit (1) Porra (1) Pow-Wow Smith (1) Power Battery (2) Power Girl (44) Power Ring (1) Prankster (1) Praying Mantis (1) Primus (2) Prince Daka (1) Prince Evillo (1) Prince Peril (1) Prince Ra-Man (1) Princess Kuella (1) Princess Projectra (1) Princess Ramia (2) Printer's Devil (1) Privateer (1) Professor Alchemy (1) Professor Astronimo (2) Professor Chemico (1) Professor Ezra Gill (1) Professor Fether (1) Professor Fortune (1) Professor Gurn (1) Professor Hugo (1) Professor Ira West (1) Professor Ivo (1) Professor Million (1) Professor Milo (2) Professor Ojo 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