Distinct corporate entities developed on Earths One and Two from those existing on Earth-Prime, and some birthed metahumans from their research. The notable and largest of these was Earth-One's S.T.A.R. Laboratories and Earth-Two's Garrick Research Laboratories, with branches across the United States.
Competitors to these included Dayton Industries and Stagg International of Earth-One, as well as Dodds-Bessing Steel and Tyler Chemical Laboratories of Earth-Two.
Similar to other revolutionary corporate think tanks such as that owned by the Metal Men’s Will Magus and Rex Tyler’s former employer Bannermain Chemical, these organizations fostered cultures of innovation, adapting to radically changing worlds with the advent of superheroes and their supervillain opponents. Regrettably, they didn’t always count the cost.
These legal entities spawned synthetic superheroes Mento, Metamorpho, Sandman, Sandy and Hourman… each of whom gained amazing abilities derived from the innovative research of these companies. Although each had debilitating side effects for those gifted with their synthetic science, as time would tell.
Steve Dayton's company developed the ultra-durable metal known as Promethium and cybernetic weaponry which he incorporated into his Mento suit. With this uniform and its helmet, Dayton aided the Doom Patrol and his wife Rita “Elasti-Girl” Farr.
Wesley Dodd's company refined steel as well as developed weaponry such as ray guns and silicoid guns. While granting users tremendous abilities, the adverse effects of these industry titan's creations led to Steve Dayton's declining mental health and Sandy Hawkins mutated silicon body.
Then there were the dual chemical-based technologies introduced to their respective worlds by Simon Stagg and Rex Tyler. While Stagg built his business from the ground up, Tyler acquired Bannermain Chemical, both growing these companies into successes.
Stagg International uncovered the ancient process of transforming humans into elementals, including Simon’s employee and future son-in-law Rex "Metamorpho" Mason. His science unleashed both good and evil.
Meanwhile, Tyler Chemical Laboratories through its founder's research developed the strength-enhancing drug known as Miraclo, graning its user Rex "Hourman" Tyler with a superhuman physique for one hour at a time. However, these processes led Rex Mason to losing his humanity, and causing Rex Tyler to become addicted to Miraclo for a time.
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