Their worlds’ preeminent masters of robotics, Will Magnus of Earth-One and Chuck Grayson of Earth-Two were the programming progenitors of their cybernetic creations, the Metal Men and G.I. Robots. While these cosmic twins were equally intelligent and adept in cybernetics, they had different radically differing psychological profiles that made each one unique from his doppelgänger.
While both men sought to use their scientific knowledge for the betterment of mankind, they each went about it in differing ways. The older Chuck was far meeker, a life-long bachelor married to his work. He first began his career working as an assistant to his friend Robert Crane and later as a resident roboticist for the government agency Project M. The younger Will was more self-assured, a true ladies' man. He started building his own company Magnus Labs, becoming reputable enough that its main client was the United States government!
While both men sought to use their scientific knowledge for the betterment of mankind, they each went about it in differing ways. The older Chuck was far meeker, a life-long bachelor married to his work. He first began his career working as an assistant to his friend Robert Crane and later as a resident roboticist for the government agency Project M. The younger Will was more self-assured, a true ladies' man. He started building his own company Magnus Labs, becoming reputable enough that its main client was the United States government!
Will invented the Responsometer which could both animate non-living objects, giving them sentience approaching synthetic life. From this technology, Magnus designed the Metal Men, six robots based on specific elements pliable enough to become powerful protectors of humanity. These Metal Men were Gold, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Tin and a Metal Woman named Platinum. Also known as Tina for short, Platinum nurtured a deep abiding love for her human creator, which Will often repulsed given their differing natures. During the course of their adventures together throughout the years, these Metal Men would combat a variety of automated, artificial and alien adversaries around the world

Chuck used his knowledge to assist Doctor Robert Crane in constructing a Robotman, which he soon after transplanted Crane’s brain into following the scientist’s murder caused by gangsters. Robotman and Chuck Grayson would be valuable allies of the All-Star Squadron, while having several independent adventures. After leaving Crane's employ, Chuck was recruited in the United States’ secret department known as Project M during the early days of World War II. There, Grayson would build the G.I. Robot series based on his and Crane’s prototype Robotman. Around this period of time, Chuck became acquainted with his long-lost cousin, Dick "Robin" Grayson.
Will's mind was eventually brainwashed when he was kidnapped by a foreign dictator named Karnak, until that warlord's rule was overturned and Magnus was freed. However, a now mentally-unhinged Magnus was tasked by a representative of Karnak's country into infilitating a government agency. At this point, Will transformed himself into the insidious Plutonium Man, taking on his former creations until the Metal Men's self-sacrifice in battle with him helped Will regain his sanity once more. However, Magnus would continue to have psychological problems for quite some time, until he regained a semblance of normancy after once more returning to mentor the Metal Men.
Chuck’s brain was exposed to the rays emitted from Ultra’s Powerstone, which would have dire ramifications for Grayson years later. Grayson assisted Robotman in reviving the future robot known as Mekanique, opposed by the entire assemblage of the All-Star Squadron. Years after this, when Robotman temporarily migrated to Earth-One at the invitation of fellow former All-Star teammate Commander Steel, Chuck succumbed to a fatal condition. The potent Powerstone radiation resulted in Grayson's passing away from brain cancer. However, his body was kept alive and youthful, prolonged in cryogenic stasis for decades awaiting the time when it could be used to house the brain of Chuck's old friend Robert. Which eventually happened, with the former Robotman by 1980 assuming the Chuk Grayson identity his best friend left behind at death.
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