The Green Lantern Corps, as previously mentioned, found a structural counterpart in Earth-Two's universe in Chang's Green Dragon Tong and their opponents in Chinese monks who guarded the original green lantern for centuries. The Tong had a large membership over the centuries, as had the Guardians' Corps in Earth-One's realm. This Tong, craving the enigmatic emerald energies from the meteorite derived from the powerful Starheart, only ever got close enough to see their master Chang bathed in its life-extending light. Nevertheless, they had not come equipped with power rings and power batteries, as the source of Earth-Two's sole Green Lantern's was a Green Flame of Life selecting only one agent to enlist. Hence, it was only when Sinestro crossed over from his home universe and transformed his recruits into clones for himself that a full fledged counter-measure on Earth-Two had been established, the "Evil Green Lanterns" or Sinestro Corps. Now, in addition to Alan Scott, who for decades was the sole ring-bearer of Earth-Two, he would be joined by several Sinestros and still later by his children Jade and Obsidian. Not to mention others such as Joe Morgan and Chang who had utilized the same powers, only for evil like this new insidious Corps invading Alan's world.
While this Corps, and their power rings, were short lived... they remained on Earth-Two, perhaps prisoners of Korugar-Two.
Although they were clones similar to those of Paul Kirk, aka Manhunter while on Earth-One, these men nevertheless filled the void of a Corps in this parallel universe. These select individuals in addition to the Green Dragon Tong created a composite counterpart to the Guardian's alien armada of Emerald Crusaders in a realm where no such force prior to this had existed.
As for the counterparts of some of the Corps members, and others using their power, here is a list:
As for the counterparts of some of the Corps members, and others using their power, here is a list:
- Hal Jordan's was Alan Scott, their Earths' prime power ring protagonists
- Guy Gardner's was Joe Morgan, insane but inherently good men.
- John Stewart's was Todd Rice aka Obsidan, heir-apparent each to their predecessors
- Katma Tui's was Ma Abigal Hunkel aka Red Tornado I, heroines inspired by Green Lanterns
- Arisia Rhab's was Jennie Lynn Hayden aka Jade two teenage girls with power of the Lanterns
- Sinestro's was one of his clones, villains corrupted by power tormenting Lanterns
- Abin Sur's was an unidentified Tibetan, those that gave up power at death
- Charlie Vicker's was a criminal actor, two lads who acted out the part of the real Lanterns
- Thomas Kalmaku's was Ikky Tinker and Doiby Dickles' was Daniel Cormac, sidekicks of Hal and Alan
- Chaselon's was Exam, both crystal entites weilding the emerald energies of the Guardians.
- Stel's was fellow robot John "Red Tornado" Smith, two robotic heroes inspired by the Green Lantern
- Yellow Lantern's was Grundy Lantern, a pair of misshapen and twisted clone
- Other Lanterns had dopplegangers in Limbo from space and in the Green Dragon Tong of Chang on Earth-Two
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