Captain Heinrich Vrum was a master scientist working for a foreign government when he designed and built an quake machine through which he unleashed several devastating earthquakes on major United States cities. When F.B.I. agent Woodley Allen and his niece Doris Lee followed a tip by a seismologist that source of these quakes originated in the Andes Mountains of South America, the pair journeyed to that region to investigate. When their plane was pulled down by another of Vrum's technologies, a magnetic mist in the air, Woodley and Doris were held captive by Vrum and his minions. This led to Doris' boyfriend Ted "Starman" Knight following the pair to Vrum's Andes base of operations, and confronting the scientist in his secret lair. Despite his weaponry, emposing henchmen and a mutated tiger under his control, Vrum was unable to defeat Starman, and seemingly perished when he fell from his vibrational tower when it generated an earthquake.
A few months later, another Nazi agent nicknamed "Skull-Face*" worked alongside discredited former Senator Jasper Crow of Earth-Two, seeking to steal a food concentrate capsule developed by Doctor Foster. This skeletal featured fiend and his Nazi confederates operated an aircraft capable of generating climatic disasters nationwide. While piloted by Skull-Face’s henchman, Jasper’s minions were confronted mid-air by Black Condor… who ultimately defeated the Nazis including their skeletal supervisor, causing this aircraft to crash. This technology fell from the plane into the Saragossa Sea, which its inhabitants and eventually Vrum would later use.
Booker would continue in his costumed career as both an independent operator and a functionary for other supervillains. Chief among these was when he was a lieutenant to the Lord of Time, a criminal from the year 3786 who employed Major Disaster to help him in his conquest of the 20th century. During these capers, the Lord and the Major repeatedly battled Karate Kid with inconclusive results. Some time after this, Major Disaster joined an Army of Crime defeated by Superman and Batman.
Years after Captain Vrum's last official appearance versus Starman, he returned as Master De Stroyer, leading his legion of War Mongers. From within the Sargasso Sea**, Vrun and his forces operated the atmosphere controlling machine (modified by the fallen Nazi technology that Jasper Crow and Skull-Face previously used), which could generate disasters around the world. This time, Vrum aka De Stroyer was opposed by Wonder Woman and her Holliday Girls, who with the aid of the ancient Romans led by Princess Althea residing within the Sea for centuries who modified the machine. Together, Wonder Woman and Princess Althea thwarted Vrum and his schemes, with him ultimately perishing.
* Skull-Face’s Earth-One counterpart the Reaper was in reality Doctor Gruener, a German Jewish physician seeking to hunt down fugitive Nazi war criminals out of vengeance. His encounter versus Robin and later Batman mirrored Black Condor's battle with the Earth-Two Nazi agent Skull-Face, who echoed the Reaper in both his purple-garbed skeletal-masked fashion and on his insane intensity. While Reaper perished in his final confirmation with Batman, Skull-Face’s fate followed his encounter with Black Condor is unknown.
** In 1942, Green Lantern of Earth-Two fought a Nazi fleet in the Saragossa Sea who were subjugating that area’s ancient inhabitants, and one of these German commanders aboard these vessels was undoubtedly Captain Vrum. While initially defeated, he bided his time until he could usurp control over the Sea and its people by 1950!
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