Jealously is a bitter root and the heart of many a foul deed. And this often brings out the worst in a person, in their disposition, in their decisions, in their actions. Such an insidious emotion consumed two women in twin universes, which caused two Batmen trouble.
Catwoman was Selina Kyle, a divorcee who was jilted out of her spousal support when her abusive husband cast her out for protesting. Seeking to steal from those who like her husband were both wealthy in money yet poor in heart, she began a long running adversarial relationship with the Dynamic Duo of Earth-Two. When author Neil Weston pens a book detailing the criminal careers of various female rogues, Kyle feels slighted when she herself is left off the list. Seeking to sabotage the production of a film based on this book, Catwoman continues to perplex actress Gala Kazon in her portrayals of the Delilah, the Wicked Witch and Circe. However, Batman and Robin eventually captured her. She ultimately married the object of her affection, former foe Bruce "Batman" Wayne.
Besides, both Catwomen as well as Poison Ivy and Doctor Poison had their hands full with the Batmen and the Wonder Women respectively, during multiple encounters with the heroes.
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