Lola Barnett was hired by publisher Morgan Edge to be the Daily Planet's gossip columnist, as well as to host a tabloid show following the WGBS-TV evening news broadcast. This led to a budding rivalry with WGBS anchorman, Clark Kent. Initially, there was a cordial relationship between the two, as Clark "asked" the Earth-One Superman to assist her in locating her missing twin brother, whom she had a telepathic link with in times of crisis.
Wealthy investor and amateur actor Richard Stanton sought to locate his missing daughter, whom he had been raising by himself after his wife died. Seeking to find an edge against crime, Stanton used his thespian skills to don the guise of the elderly "woman" known as Madame Fatal. On one occasion, Fatal met costumed crook the Jester, helping him abandon his life as a thief to become a hero instead.
Over time, Lola sought to usurp Kent's reign as Metropolis' most popular journalist, and left WGBS for a position at competing network UBC. There, she promoted that channel's resident superhero, Blackrock... who turned out to be a number of brainwashed men enlisted to expand UBC audience. Later, Lola attempted to expose Superman's dual identity, suspecting that he was actually Clark Kent. Despite being disguised as an older woman, she was unable to find evidence linking the two men as one-in-the-same. She faded into obscurity, as did Madame Fatal.
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