Biron, was a mutant centaur with a long lasting legacy alongside a pair of legendary ladies. After meeting the infamous Circe, whom he fell in love with, he was transformed into a full horse and exiled on an asteroid in the Sagittarius constellation for centuries. Simultaneous to Biron the centaur’s existence on Earth-One, on Earth-Two there was a centaur archer in the time-displaced Speedy!

The women behind Biron and Speedy from ancient Grecian times, Circe, was herself a curious character. While a version of her appeared as both a redhead and blonde on Earths One and Two in opposition to each world's Wonder Woman on occasion, neither seemed to be the same women who loved Biron and despised Speedy. (Another archer of this Speedy's time, Tom "Spider" Hallaway, was the actual counterpart to Biron the Bowman).
After gaining superpowers when he was transformed into the horse now known as Comet, Biron was eventually freed from his imprisonment thanks to the passing rocket ship carrying Kara Zor-El to Earth-One. Teaming up with Kara's alter ego Supergirl, Comet adopted another alias as the Super-Horse, given the physical abilities he possessed comparable with Kryptonians like Kara. His humanity was briefly restored due to the radiation of a passing comet, when he became Bronco Bill Starr. He and Kara had a short lived romance, before reverting to Comet.
While both were attractive females on the outside, the Earth-One Circe whom Biron and later Supergirl met had more of a good-nature, though never seemed to let her hair down either literally or figuratively as she was always cautious. The Earth-Two Circe did let her hair down, and revealed a more self-centered nature endemic of the latter Circes who encountered the Amazing Amazons, although she was quickly defeated by a trio of time lost superheroes who took from her a prized possession in the boy archer. She was left to the mercy of her victims whereas her counterpart continued to pine away at her lost lover.
As for the Earth-Two doppelgänger of the superhorse version of Comet, that creature was named Serge. Like Comet, Serge had a telepathic rapport with his mistress. However, while Comet was Supergirl's prized pet (although Streaky the Super-Cat may refute that claim), Serge was the sturdy steed owned by Major Diana Prince. Both in her civilian identity and her costumed alter ego as the golden age Wonder Woman, Diana discovered that besides having a mental bond with one another, Serge could also perceive impending danger. This helped her on a couple occasions while assisting her old nemesis Paula Von Gunther and later while battling the Vulture King. Then, Serge disappeared, never to reappear. Or did he, later on?
Several months after this, a wingless horse reminiscent of Serge appeared, now under the control of Gundra the Valkyrie. Gundra had been tasked with claiming heroes of Earth who would be reconditioned for her master to become ideal soldiers. Following a clash with Wonder Woman led to her defeat, Gundra returned soon after, this time seeking to grab Amazonians who would become Valkyrie clones. Might Gundra's Sky Steed have once been Serge, also reconditioned into a flying super-sturdy steed? Likely!
In place of the centuries old Super-Horse prior to his 20th century debut, which Biron had become, was the equally mutated Winged Victory of Earth-Two. Frozen in a glacier for a thousand years alongside his master, Sir Justin aka the Shining Knight, both were revived in the 1940s. Soon after, they joined the Law's Legionnaires, of which Speedy and his guardian Green Arrow were also members. When Victory returned to the 20th century in 1970, he then existed contemporaneous to his actual counterpart, Nova... winged horse of the outlaw Terra-Man. As with the Sky Steeds, Nova's winged horses were creatures from outer space.
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