When the rogue scientist from Malthus, Krona, unleashed a wave of energy across his universe, an infinite number of additional positive matter universes and a single anti-matter universe were formed. Just as that sole realm had the planet Qward in the center of the Anti-Matter universe, so too existed planet Oa within the universe of Earth-One, where some of Krona’s fellow Maltusians became the Guardians of the Universe.
Elsewhere in the anti-matter universe of Qward, there existed a corresponding Earth, only there instead of just humans, a different life form existed on that world… Stone Giants! After six stone scientists detonated a cobalt bomb simultaneous to the nuclear bomb detonated by humans on Earth-One, the fabric of realty began to tear between both universes. To prevent the twin Earths from merging, the stone giants took destructive action against Central City, Brasilia and Tokyo, which the Justice League then protected.
Eventually the League and the "untouchable aliens" (a side effect the giants experienced from the radiation exposure) communicated and together prevented their parallel planets from merging. Both teams returned to their native dimensions, never again meeting despite League members encountering the Thunderers of Qward time and time throughout the years. Unlike the residents of Qward, the residents of anti-matter Earth were not intrinsically evil merely inquisitive.
This makes some sense, however, as the majority of these Giants’ counterparts in the positive matter universes were inherently malicious towards humanity. This was certainly true of the Sand-Beings on Earth-Two, who were a minority who opposed mankind by creating a destructive weapons against them. Then there were the inhuman variants on Earth-One known as the Metamorphs. Of these, only Earth-One's Metamorpho (and Element Girl) and Earth-Two's Sandy the Silicon Creature had heroic dispositions.
Interestingly, a creature known as Quarrmer or the “Sand Superman” was spawned when an experimental Kryptonite-powered reactor experienced a nuclear meltdown. While attempting to avert a disaster, Superman inadvertently irradiated some sand which an energy-based creature molded into a duplicate body. Syphoning off some of Superman's powers, this Quarrmer gained control of his body, transforming it into a silicon-carbon hybrid.
Revealing himself to having originated in the "dimension of Quarm", he entered into the Earth-One universe which a breach in the dimensional wall caused by the reaction meltdown allowing the entity to enter the human's world. Once realizing that Quarrmer could not coexist in the same realm alongside a counterpart with an "opposite charge" molecularly, he returned to his own universe.
Shortly thereafter, the immortal Martian known as Karmang enlisted the aid of both Quarrmer and Black Adam with the intent of having each of them impersonate their foes, Superman and Captain Marvel. Seeking to use these pawns to incite a conflict that would merge and then destroy Earth-One and Earth-S, in a misguided attempt to revive Karmang's long-lost people, instead Quarrmer aided the heroes in repelling this threat from both Earths. While last seen on Earth-S, it is logical that Quarrmer would have returned to either Quarrm, unless the dimensional rift was closed following this encounter. If so, this Sand Superman would be trapped on Earth-S forevermore!
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