The Sargasso Sea located in the western side of the Atlantic Ocean is unique among bodies of water, as instead of having land boundaries, it is contained by four circulating ocean currents: the northern North Atlantic Current, the eastern Canary Current, the western Gulf Stream, and the southern North Atlantic Equatorial Current. Its distinguishing features includes its tranquil blue water and unique seaweed. And, in at least two universes, once entered it is difficult to leave.
On Earth-One during the age of Atlantis, before it shunk to the bottom of the ocean following a great cataclysm, this Sea was the focal point of a device used by the scientific priestess Atlena. She developed a projector that could phase her city into another dimension. However, instead of protecting it and its inhabitants, it only served as a prison for her and all those who entered within its sphere of influence. This included various sailors throughout the centuries who ventured within its parameters. Due to the peculiar nature of this Sargasso dimension, all of its inhabitants lived forever. When a United States senator was lost in the Sea, Congresswoman Barbara "Batgirl" Gordon enlisted the aid of Aquaman to help locate him*.
On Earth-Two in the modern era, Major Diana Prince and students of Holliday College ventured into the Sargasso Sea on a mission, sent by American General Darnell. Once within the Sea, the ladies found a similar situation befall them as had Aquaman. Meeting various timeless individuals from various centuries, living within the Sea's borders for centuries, Wonder Woman met the local Queen Althea and her subjects. Althea's ancestry from her days in ancient Rome stretched back to that of the original queen of Atlantis, Altantea**. The queen was under the control of invaders led by Master De Stroyer, and through her De Stroyer took control of the Sargossian's Atmosphere Controller to use in his war against the United States.
When Aquaman arrived in the Sargasso Sea, he learned of its history and the plight of its prisoners. Although he was able to swim to freedom through a portal back to Earth-One, he was unable to retrieve Atlena and the others within the Sea. Later, the Scavenger used his undersea vehicle to destroy Althea's ancient device which created the dimensional rift. In fact, Scavenger was sent by Althea's sister, Atlanna... who was also the mother of Aquaman... now driven insane after years of confinement while comatose in a near lifeless state.
Likewise, the prisoners within the altered reality of the other Sargossa Sea remained within its borders following the defeat and death of De Destroyer and his criminal crew when they attempted to escape. For Althea and her people, however, they were content to remain in this pocket world to live forever in peace apart from Earth-Two. Wonder Woman would return years later when a race of Troglodytes from within the Sea tried and failed to launch an attack on the outside world to submerge it underwater. ***.
* Ironically, had Batgirl known, she may've asked for assistance from Batman and Robin, who had previously ventured to the Sargasso Sea, although they hadn't met Atlena during their visit.
**Wonder Woman's Justice Society teammate Green Lantern met Queen Atlantea in ancient Atlantis during a time-traveling case. The similar appearances of Atlantea and Althea indicate they are ancestor and descendant. Green Lantern visited Sargossa in 1942.
*** Some of the residents of the Sargossa Sea later met the Blackhawk Squadron during one adventure, athough Althea wasn’t then present.
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