Over a year later, another scientist named Kyle developed his invisio-solution. Under the alias of the Mist, he coated both himself and his henchmen in this substance, allowing them to seemingly be undetected from law enforcement officials while they engaged in criminal activities. However, the caped crusader known as Starman repeatedly uncovered both the Mist and his schemes. Over time, the Mist's solution also transformed his body into a gaseous substance. Earth-One scientist Sam Toth utilized a particle accelerator, which inadvertently changed his body's composition into something similar to his Earth-Two counterpart the Mist.
A thousand years later, another scientist named Lyle Norg developed a serum which achieved the same effect as his counterpart Kent Thurston, transforming him into the Invisible Kid. While Lyle would join the Legion of Super-Heroes, a team of teenagers connected to the 30th century of Earth-One where they would travel to on various adventures, Kent joined the Freedom Fighters. Thurston and his teammates left their native world of Earth-Two to assist the hero-less world of Earth-X.
Sadly, both Lyle and Kent perished in battle while working alongside their teammates. Although still undetectable to human eye, neither was invulnerable to impending threats. If only their invisibility formulas had the added benefit of intangibility like Silver Ghost and the Mist, they’d still be alive.
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