A similar chemical compound, a serum developed by Doctor B'renlden, was invented several years later on Earth-One. This serum was then shared with all humanity, which then offered it to other worlds who joined Earth's planetary alliance. This was the means by which members of the 30th century's Legion of Super-Heroes were able to remain as "teenagers", as decreed in their bylaws. However, this was a simply a term adapted to categorized individuals at that time who were below the age of 50 years old!
While the Earth-Two Wonder Woman was aware of this serum, and presumably shared it with her own extended friends... perhaps including fellow members of the Justice Society... such was not the case on the Legion's world. There, the Legionnaires prevented their 20th century member Superboy from learning of this immortality compound, for fear of disrupting the Legion's on timeline from the past.
Undoubtedly concurrent to Diana, Steve and Etta's presence in the same era as Rokk Braddon's Space Legion, it's highly likely that they worked together with those 30th century protectors of Earth-Two. Whether they were part of their universe's version of the Legion of Super-Heroes is unknown, yet quite possible given their similar aims at maintaining order and securing the police.
However, further evidence throughout subsequent tales of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor indicate that in the main 20th century timeline, Etta either did not discover this vitamin, or did not share it with them... as the couple aged rather than maintain their youth as in the L-3 timeline. In fact, in an early 1950's Justice Society case, Wonder Woman and her teammates were thrust forward a thousand years, where they aided the Space Legion versus an invasion of Chameleons (after resolving a misunderstanding between them as seen here). Had Wonder Woman still be alive in this future timeline, her 20th century version and the Society wouldn't have been recruited to oppose this threat.
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