Bertram "Binky" Biggs was a typical teenager who's adventures, or rather misadventures, were notable amid the more renowned contemporaneous superhero tales at the same time. In start contrast with the often tense drama surrounding costumed crusaders protecting the planet, Binky's more comedic antics displayed that now all was serious on Earth. But which Earth? Actually, Earths One and Two, each of which had their own version of Binky.
The golden age Binky debuted in 1948, and proceeded to navigate into young adulthood alongside family and friends. Among these were his older sister Lucy and younger brother "Allergy", as well as his girlfriend Peggy and frenemy Sherwood. His tales continued to be told throughout the next decade until 1958, when apparently he grew up and grew out of his youthful pursuits. An interesting event occurred early on in his courtship of Peggy, when the young couple witnessed a super-feat of the Superman of their world, Earth-Two!
The silver age Binky debuted in 1967, and as with his counterpart he too had big sister Lucy and little brother "Allergy", as well his own Peggy and schoolmate Sherwood. His tales were told only until 1972, at which point he mysteriously disappeared from reality! Where did he go? His friends and family would like to know!
It was later revealed that the red-haired Jonni DC, herself originating from Earth-Two, for a time operated on Earth-One. There she was seemingly self-appointed to erase anomalies from reality, such as a temporal duplicate of Wonder Woman when she was a baby known as Wonder Tot, and the heroine's Chinese foe Egg Fu.
For whatever reason, the Earth-One Binky was also someone whom Jonni believed needed to be removed from reality, leaving those he left behind mystified as to where he went. During this same time period, a massive shift in the cosmic balance occurred through an accidental opened a hyper-space between three separate universes!
This incident occurred when Earth-One research scientist Enrichetta Negrini, activated an experimental hyper-space device, which sent numerous random individuals to each other’s Earths. This drew the enigmatic the Anti-Matter Man from the Anti-Matter Universe of Qward, who's presence might have destroyed all three realities but for the intervention of the Justice League and Justice Society.

In fact, Jonni DC herself may possibly have been one of those individuals from Earth-Two pulled over to Earth-One during this event. And apparently, she was in possession of the spherical "DC-Dial" of Earth-Two's reality, which transformed her into a superhuman entity.
It’s been theorized that Jonni’s actions were motivated as a counter-balance to a similar spherical object,, the H-Dial of Earth-One. This device was discovered around the same time by high school student Robbie Reed, who became various superheroes when he dialed “H-E-R-O”. His girlfriend Suzy Shoemaker on occasion used his H-Dial, such as when she became Gem Girl!
While Suzy and her boyfriend spawned new superhumans, of whom such as Giantman and Mighty Muppet were recurring characters, Suzy’s Earth-Two counterpart Jonni erased some individuals from existence! Whether counterparts Suzy and Jonni met in person is unknown.
Hopefully, the aspiring adventurer Ambush Bug, who sensed a "disturbance in the force", eventually tracked down Binky and reunited him with his loved ones. Yeah, probably not!
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