Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Sinister Sovereigns of Sound Master Malevolent Melodies

Sunday, February 9, 2025
Twice-Told-Tales: Wonder Woman vs Flying Fighters

Enemy Ace was Rittsmeister (Captain) Hans Von Hammer of the German Air Force during World War I, a reluctant warrior and expert fighter pilot also known as the Hammer of Hell. His doppelgänger of Earth-Two was the American World War I fighter pilot Captain Thomas Cole aka Captain Desmo, later known as the Bombardier during the early days of World War II. Just as Von Hammer was employed as a pawn by the Lord of Time, Cole was likewise manipulated into service by the Lord of Mars.
While the Hammer of Hell was empowered by his benefactor granting him superhuman abilities, Bombardier was likewise empowered with identical abilities. Both men could fly while projecting devastation energy bolts, which disabled the Wonder Woman of their respective Earths. Von Hammer’s four allies were also similarly empowered, while their counterparts experiencing something similar when they were drawn to 1985 of Earth-Two by Harbinger to battle Ultra-Humanite.
Interestingly, it was the Wonder Woman of Earth-Two who shortly thereafter stuck back at both men, first Captain Cole in 1942 on Earth-Two, then decades later against Captain Von Hammer in 1978. Despite this initial animosity, the pilots worked with the Wonder Women to defeat Lords of Time and Mars, along with their reality shattering schemes unleashed upon both Earths known as the Eternity Brain and the Disc of Mars. Following this, Von Hammer* as the Enemy Ace resumed his duties in Germany, while Cole officially retired following this and his lengthy career as Captain Desmo.
* Along with the Earth-One Viking Prince, Black Pirate, Miss Liberty and Jonah Hex each of whom returned to their native time periods, just as had the Earth-Two Viking Prince, Black Pirate, MissAmerica and Roving Ranger following the Crisis event.
Monday, January 13, 2025
Costumed Catapulting Crusader Con-Artists

Sunday, December 22, 2024
Twice-Told-Tales: Tyrants Thaal & Tarquin Terrorize
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Twice-Told-Tales: Daring Damsels Destroy Destructive Dreams
Dinah was the first who became susceptible to dreams, when she fantasized while sleeping that Larry Lance was still alive. Seeking the assistance of her Justice League teammate Superman to help her access this "Dream Dimension" to find Larry, the two Leaguers journeyed through the barrier between realities where they indeed found a version of Lance. But was this the Larry Lance who perished while protecting his Earth-Two from a cosmic threat in Aquarius... or something else?
Helena would months after this also be consumed by dreams, as she dreamt of her father Batman and mother Catwoman. Each parent appeared in the form of a bat and cat avatar, seeking to consume Helena into their individual legacies. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to call upon her teammates of the Justice Society to assist her, only police detective Gary Minelli was able to support her from the outside world.
The villains behind our marvelous maidens' dream dilemmas were individuals resding in the Arkham Asylums outside of both Earth's Gotham Cities. The first was a skeletal cloaked criminal Doctor Destiny... a long-time Justice League adversary... who manufactured his Dream Dimension, which Black Canary found herself within, through his Materioptikon devise.
Another skeletal cloaked individual* was a manifestation of the former foe of Batman and the Justice Society Doctor Elba, who used Solution K to cause his victims to go insane and which Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether used on the Huntress. Thankfully, through their sheer force of willpower, Black Canary and Huntress were able to destroy these Dream Dimensions from within and vanquish their foes.
* This skeletal nightmare might have been a subconscious manifestation of Helena’s recollection of an experience, related to her by her father of the “Painter of Death”, who ended up being a skull-masked Doctor Elba… inventor of the Solution K that was now injected in her body.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Terrible Toymen Terrorize Twin Terras

Monday, December 2, 2024
Ultra-Humanite's Reality Probability Equation
Friday, November 29, 2024
Untold Teamup Tales of the Justice League & Justice Society
With this in mind, we can hypothesize additional untold tales of those 20th century heroes, including several annual teamups between the Justice League of America and the Justice Society of America. These involved additional teams, on both their own worlds and alternate Earths. This harmonizes with the pattern they set for decades, when the JLA and JSA encountered the Crime Syndicate of Earth-Three, the Lawless League of Earth-A, the Seven Soldiers of Victory of Earth-Two, the Freedom Fighters of Earth-X (and formerly of Earth-Two), the Squadron of Justice of Earth-S, the Legion of Super-Heroes of Earth-One, the New Gods of an adjacent Earth-One reality, and the All-Star Squadron of Earth-Two.
What were some of these teamups? Thanks to the inventive mind of Multiverse historian David Stepp, we get a glimpse into some of these amazing adventures:
- The League and Society teamup with Sentinels of Justice of Earth-Four to defend that world against an incursion by the Crime Champions, a gang of villains originally consisting of Earth-One's Chronos, Felix Faust and Doctor Alchemy and Earth-Two's Icicle, Wizard and Gambler. Evidentally, this sinister six expanded their roster to include Sentinal adversaries the Ghost, Doctor Spectro, Punch and Jewelee. To combat this, JLAers Batman, Green Arrow, and Red Tornado as well as JSAers Atom, Hourman and Starman are joined in the fight by Sentinal members Captain Atom, Nightshade and Blue Beetle as well as their ally the Son of Vulcan. The result of this confrontation undoubtedly proved better for Earth-Four than had the Crisis' "Villain War", which left portions of that world in environmental chaos unleashed by the costumed criminals and their mammoth sentient toxic weapon of war, Chemo.
- The Justice Society journeyed to Earth-One to assist the Justice League and the League's next generation protégées, the New Teen Titans, versus the malevolent Brother Blood and his Church of Blood from the nation of Zandia. Sebastian Blood possibly snatched the Powerstone, prompting the intervention of the JSA. Thanks to the intervention of these three titanic teams, led by New Teen Titans' leader Dick "Robin" Grayson and Justice Society member Dick "Nightwing" Grayson (although why the younger Dick reverted to his Robin alias rather than remain as Nightwing is unknown).
Sinestro uses his ability to mentally manipulate others (which he has formerly used in a Brave and Bold tale when he controlled the Oan Guardians of Earth-One’s Universe while disguised as one of their own... and later when he exerted mind-control over his fellow Korugarians) to coerce select members of the Green Lantern Corps into becoming his second Sinestro Corps. Apparently, he sought to succeed where he had years earlier failed, when cloning himself a dozen time into the first incarnation of the Sinestro Corp when he and his minions invaded Earth-Two. The Justice Society's involvment in this tale indicates that Sinestro brought over these Corps men and women to Earth-Two for a repeat incursion into that world, one thwarted by the JLA and JSA led by Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and Alan Scott of those respective teams.
- In a two-part crossover, the Time Trapper recruits fellow temporal thieves the Lord of Time of Earth-One and Per Degaton of Earth-Two to ensnare the majority of the Justice League and Justice Society in a time trap in the 30th century of Earth-Two. In part two, the remaining Leaguers and Socialites journey to the 30th century of Earth-One to recruit the aid of the Legion of Super-Heroes from that era in helping them battle their old foe Trapper and his cronies, but end up settling for the Legion of Substitute Heroes who help them after defeating the Legion of Super-Villains sent by the Time Trio to thwart them.
- Finally, the Justice Society individually face off against the Crime Society, a version of the Crime Syndicate but from a different world than that of Earth-Three. This Crime Society is modeled off the Justice Lords, a team of renegade superheroes who took the law into their own hand, administering their perverted form of authoritarian justice upon President Lex Luthor and his criminal minions on their world. This Crime Society would undoubtedly have invaded Earth-Two, just as the Crime Syndicate had invaded that world and Earth-One several years earlier. Perhaps the Justice League later became involved, aiding the Society as they had versus the Syndicate.
- These are just a few examples of potential probable plotlines involving the Greatest Heroes of Earths One and Two in a future unobstructed by the calamity that fell upon the Multiverse during the Crisis on Infinite Earths!
Friday, November 15, 2024
Robins’ Relationships with Winged Wonders

Monday, November 11, 2024
Courageous Cybernetic Creators: Will Magnus & Chuck Grayson

While both men sought to use their scientific knowledge for the betterment of mankind, they each went about it in differing ways. The older Chuck was far meeker, a life-long bachelor married to his work. He first began his career working as an assistant to his friend Robert Crane and later as a resident roboticist for the government agency Project M. The younger Will was more self-assured, a true ladies' man. He started building his own company Magnus Labs, becoming reputable enough that its main client was the United States government!

Chuck used his knowledge to assist Doctor Robert Crane in constructing a Robotman, which he soon after transplanted Crane’s brain into following the scientist’s murder caused by gangsters. Robotman and Chuck Grayson would be valuable allies of the All-Star Squadron, while having several independent adventures. After leaving Crane's employ, Chuck was recruited in the United States’ secret department known as Project M during the early days of World War II. There, Grayson would build the G.I. Robot series based on his and Crane’s prototype Robotman. Around this period of time, Chuck became acquainted with his long-lost cousin, Dick "Robin" Grayson.
Friday, November 8, 2024
Caped Crusaders' Crusading Careers : Batgirl & Huntress
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Chemically Created Corporate Crimefighters
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Atomic Antagonists Agonize Adventurers
Monday, October 21, 2024
The Mystery of Rubberman: Plentiful Plastic

Friday, September 27, 2024
The Ladies Behind the Legendary Leeches of Parasite & Atoman

While themselves nearly as infamous as their fellow vile villains, the Luthors the Toymen and Pranksters, counterparts Parasite and Atoman may not have achieved their legendary status without the women behind the scenes. For Parasite, this was is former attorney turned wife Lorna Kramer*, a selfless woman who saw the good in the irradiated rogue whom she sought to legally defend. For Atoman, this was the black marketeer who gave prized Kryptonite meteor rock to Nazi scientist Der Teufel to spawn the irradated Atoman.
Black Widow initiated a bidding war with four prominent men including Teufel, demonstrating to potency of the recently discovered Kryptonite which weakened their mutual foe, Superman. Although Widow's relationship with Atoman was tangental through her client and his superior Teufel, together they were able to hatch a threat upon the Superman of Earth-Two that nearly ended his life. Although Atoman failed to subdue and slay his foe after multiple encounters, Atoman would return decades later to renew their conflict, while the Widow retired from crime.

Lorna Kramer was a German American defense lawyer, working on the early release from prison request of her client, Raymond Maxwell Jensen aka the Parasite. After a period of time together, the pair fell in love, and as a newly wed couple sired twins. Despite this, the strains of Parasite's former criminal past as a recurring foe of Superman coupled with his powers becoming reactived due to an alien invader known as Mister Xavier caused the couple to divorce.
However, Raymond and Lorna's son Troy and daughter Trini inherited the mutated genes of their father, which nearly ended their lives. Having moved with her children back to her native Germany, Lorna eventually sought out her ex-husband who was able to restore their health with his renewed powers. With the aid of scientists, Parasite was able to extra enough energy from a captive Superman to rid the children of their life-threatening “para-fever”, while giving them temporary powers.
Sadly, continuing to be with his ex-wife and children might eventually have debilitating effects on them physically, as well as emotionally for the bad example he was setting. So Jensen left them once more, finding solace is his continual conflict with his greatest foe, Superman!
While neither Heinrich "Atoman" Melch nor Scarlet Widow had any children of their own, the doppelgängers of Troy and Trini were the German Jewish brother and sister Horst and Frieda, children of the telepathic mutant Friedrich who perished protecting his family and Wonder Woman from Nazi sailors using his power for their benefit. Unlike Troy and Trini, Horst and Frieda had neither father nor mother as they were placed in an American orphanage. Such was the sad tale of these children of gifted men with tragic lives.
* The existence and canonicity of Lorna and her children Troy and Trini were verified in the Parasite's entry in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe Vol 1 17.Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Sinister Symbionts Siphoning Supermen

The first technique is exposing the heroes to Green Kryptonite, the radioactive substance remaining from the planet Krypton. On Earth-One, the criminal cyborg Roger "Metallo" Corben was implanted with a Kryptonite "heart" with a two-fold purpose, to keep his cybernetic body alive and as a radiological weapon against the modern day Superman. On Earth-Two, the German soldier Heinrich "Atoman" Melch was injected with a Green Kryptonite serum which both empowered his superhuman body and as a radiological weapon against the golden age Superman.
A less common technique is projecting purple energy dampening radiation, coming from an extraterrestrial origin. On Earth-One, janitor turned criminal Raymond Maxwell "Parasite" Jensen was inadvertently exposed to radioactive material brought from outer space, and which Parasite then used against Superman which weakened him. On Earth-Two, scientist turned villain George "Metalo" Grant developed a purple ray projecting weapon which likewise weakened Superman. While Parasite employed his purple ray aura to transfer Superman's abilities to himself, Metalo developed a related super-serum from the purple radiation to grant Grant his Superman-like attributes.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Parasites’ Power Plays
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Mindful Malevolent Metallics Mask Mystery
Goitrude was the forerunner of a generation of special vehicles aiding various superheroes, including the Black Widow, Sand-Car, Atomobile, Esmerelda and the Doll-Plane... driven by the Spider, Sandman, Atom, Wonder Woman's friend Etta Candy and the Doll Man, respectively.
Monday, September 2, 2024
Mercurially Malevolent Metal Men
Friday, August 23, 2024
Cantankerous Cops Cause Costumed Crusaders Conundrums